Note: This programme is subject to change
Friday 8th September
Venue: Reed Messe, Vienna Austria
Paediatric Cataract | 08:00 – 09:00 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Ramesh Kekunnaya, India
08.00 Ken Nischal, UK/USA
Capsule Management
08.08 Maria Concepcion Guirao Navarro, Spain
Glaucoma in Infantile Cataract
08.16 Vaishali Vasavada, India
Secondary IOLs
08.24 Oriel Spierer, Israel
Management of the Paediatric Subluxated Crystalline Lens
08.32 Marije Sminia, The Netherlands
Iris Lens
08.40 Das Nilutparna, India
The Integrated Continuum of Care: An Impact Study on Paediatric Cataract Profile in Blind Schools of Northeast India
08.45 Discussion
Amblyopia | 09:00 – 10:00 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: David Granet USA, Guy Barnett Itzhaki Israel
09.00 Kianti Darusman, Indonesia
Screening in Indonesia
09.08 Yair Morad, Israel
Lacteral Rectus Superior Plication for Divergence Insufficiency Esotropia
09.16 Johanna Liinamaa, Finland
Prevalence of Residual Amblyopia in adulthood
09.24 Kateryna Fedchuk, Ukraine
Management of Amblyopia in Premature babies
09.32 Lotte Welinder, Denmark
Visual Screening of Pre-term Children
9.40 Shilpa Rao India
Efficacy of Orthoptek Magnocellular Stimulator (OMS) as a new modality for amblyopia therapy
09.45 Discussion
Strabismus 101 | 10:45 – 11:45 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Daniel Salchow Germany, Darius Hildebrand UK
10.45 Rita Gama, Portugal
Testing postoperative diplopia with botulinum toxin
10.53 Teodorescu Luminita, Romania
Strabismus in Thyroid Eye Disease Strabismus related to thyroid orbitopathy, our experience
11.01 Dina Mostovoy, Israel
Exotropia including Controversies in the Treatment of this Type of Strabismus.
11.09 Adrea Papp, Austria
Diagnostic Challenge and Surgical Management of a Complicated Strabismus Case
11.17 Wagih Aclimandos, UK
My approach to Acquired Esotropia
11.25 Heba Metwally, Egypt
Retro-equatorial Inferior Oblique Myopexy for Treatment of Inferior Oblique Overaction
11: 31 Discussion
Free Papers | 11.45 - 12.45 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Manca Tekavčič Pompe Slovenia, Rahul Bhola USA
11.45 Torrefranca Aramis Jr, Philippines
Large bilateral medial rectus recession versus three-to-four horizontal muscle surgery for large-angle esodeviations
11.50 Neena R, India
Impact of online classes on eye health of children and young adults in the setting of covid-19 pandemic: a survey-based analysis.
11.55 Elena Franco, Italy
Congenital Corneal Opacities caused by Posterior Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous: a case series
12.00 Hakan Kaymak, Germany
Retinal Findings in a German Population of Highly Myopic Children
12.05 Shanel Sharma, Australia
Addressing UV Damage and Myopia Progression in Children
12.10 Elpida Kollia, UK
Retreatment for reactivation of ROP following initial anti-VEGF injections. A 5-year retrospective study.
12.15 Dongsheng Yang, China
Resection for large recession on each operated recti in nystagmus surgery
12.20 Yanhua Wang, China
Characteristics of peripheral retinal refraction in different degrees of myopic children
12.25 Kavitha Kalaivani, India
To analyse the indications, visual outcome and parameters influencing the outcome of optical iridectomy in children
12:30 Discussion
Paediatric Ocular Surface & Keratoconus
13.45 - 14.45 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Dominique Bremond-Gignac, France Annegret Dahlmann-Noor, UK
13.45 Meghal Gagrani, USA
Management of Keratoconus
13.53 Samer Hamada, UK
BKC in children
14.01 Lisbeth Veno Kruse, Denmark
Allergy Of The Eye – Not Only A One-Organ Disease
14.09 Maithri Arunkumar, India
A novel biomechanical model to diagnose pediatric keratoconus
14.14 Jyoti Matalia, India
Influence Of Corneal White-To-White (WtW) In Tomographical Interpretation: A Novel Discovery
14.19 Rasha Mousa, Egypt
Video Magic of stem cell grafting in chemical eye injury in a 3 years old child
14.23 Rasha Mousa, Egypt
Video Predescematic compression sutures combined with intrastromal puncture evacuation of edema & injection of gas in the anterior chamber as primary treatment of sever acute hydrops in paediatric age group
15:27 Discussion
Strabismus Surgical Techniques
14.45 - 15.45 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Claudia Polo Argentina, Cumhur Sener Turkey
14.45 Luisa Hopker, Brazil
Botulinum toxin and surgical management of sixth nerve palsy
14.53 Ramesh Kekunnaya India
Management of head tilt due to Nystagmus
15.01 Claudia Polo Argentina
Transposition Variants without split or tenotomy
15.09 Orwa Nasser, Israel
Managing Nystagmus
15.17 Didem Dizdar Yigit, Turkey
The Effect of Vessel-Sparing Rectus Plication Surgery on Iris Vessel Density: A Comparative Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A) Analysis
15.22 Paulo Loureiro, Portugal
Botulinum Toxin (BT) as First- Line Treatment in Acquired Fourth Pair Paresis
15.27 Discussion
Eye Signs That Can Save Lives
16.05 - 17.05 | Room: Strauss 1
Moderators: Hannah Scanga USA, Ken Nischal UK/USA
16.05 Amgad Eldib, USA
Horner’s Syndrome: Apraclonidine Eye Drops Diagnostic Test
16.13 Brenda Bohnsack, USA
Life-threatening Findings Associated with Anterior Segment Dysgenesi
16.21 Christina Gerth-Kahlert, Switzerland
Leucocoria ..and what next?’
16.29 Hannah Scanga, USA
Ocular Signs with Systemic Implications
16.37 Jincy Mariya Paul, India
Developmental Cataract in Wolfram Syndrome – Clinical features and correlation with the phenotypic features of Wolfram syndrome.
16.42 Discussion