Areas of Research Collaboration (aRc)
Areas of Research Collaboration (aRc) are networks of like-minded individuals who are willing and able to develop research in areas of particular interest in paediatric ophthalmology, strabismus and visual sciences.
Initially funding may not be available, but if a study develops appropriately funding may be sought. aRcs work with a coordinating center linked to and reciprocally dependent on multiple global centres, creating a perpetual research motion.
The co-ordinating centre is responsible for setting up the initial research protocol and gaining local IRB. This protocol can be shared with all centres involved; each centre must gain local IRB approval or equivalent. Each centre must have a lead investigator and a contact person (separate from the lead investigator and a non – physician).

Dr. Vishal Jhanji has been appointed Director of WSPOS’s Areas of Research Collaboration (aRc) committee.
Areas of Research Collaboration (aRc)​ Form