Chapter Countries

WSPOS is trying to integrate Eye-Care Specialists for Strabismus, Children with Eye Diseases and Adults with Ocular Motility Problems the world over. Where there is no infrastructure in terms of societies for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, we have helped Countries form WSPOS Chapters and provided a presence on our website.  

If your Country does not have a National Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Organisation / Association, we would like to invite your Country to become a Chapter with web hosting by the WSPOS.  

Over 75 Countries have joined WSPOS either as Member Societies or Chapter Countries with web hosting by us. 

Should you need to reach out to a WSPOS Chapter Country representative, please send an email to with the subject line ‘Need to contact XXX (Please add the name of the WSPOS Chapter Country here) regarding XXX (please add the subject line of your email here).

WSPOS is a Charity and there is no cost to become a WSPOS Member Society or a WSPOS Chapter Country.

Join WSPOS today. 

Chapter Countries

Eye Doctors’ Society
Ophthalmology Society
Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmology
Bangladesh Association of Pediatric Ophthalmologist & Strabismologist (BAPOS)
Societe Camerounaise D’ophtalmologie / Cameroonian Society Of Ophthalmology (SCO)
Croatian Section for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (CSPOS)
Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia
College of Ophthalmology of the Eastern, Central and Southern African (ECSA) Region
Libyan Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (LAPOS)
Society of Malawi
The Mongolian Ophthalmologists’ Society (MOS)
Pediatric Ophthalmology Interest Group Nepal
Nigerian Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Society (NIPOSS)
Ophthalmological Society
Ophthalmological Society
Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics
College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka
Ophthalmology Association
Ophthalmological Society of Zimbabwe
Ophthalmological Society

Enrol your Organization as a WSPOS Chapter Country here

If your country does not have a National Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Organisation / Association, we would like to invite your country to become a Chapter with web hosting by the WSPOS.  

In order to establish your country as a Chapter on the WSPOS website, please provide the following information

Please Note: All fields marked with * are compulsory