Chapter Countries
WSPOS is trying to integrate Eye-Care Specialists for Strabismus, Children with Eye Diseases and Adults with Ocular Motility Problems the world over. Where there is no infrastructure in terms of societies for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, we have helped Countries form WSPOS Chapters and provided a presence on our website.
If your Country does not have a National Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Organisation / Association, we would like to invite your Country to become a Chapter with web hosting by the WSPOS.
Over 75 Countries have joined WSPOS either as Member Societies or Chapter Countries with web hosting by us.
Should you need to reach out to a WSPOS Chapter Country representative, please send an email to with the subject line ‘Need to contact XXX (Please add the name of the WSPOS Chapter Country here) regarding XXX (please add the subject line of your email here).
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Chapter Countries
Eye Doctors’ Society
Afghanistan Eye Doctors’ Society
President: Dr. Dastagir Amiri MD, PGD, Ophthalmologist
Afghanistan Eye Doctors’ Society
Pediatric eye care in Afghanistan is at the lowest stage. Absence of an adequate number of Paediatric Ophthalmologists & the lack of equipment combined with very little / no attention from the Government & / Non-Government organizations has caused a stagnation in the quality of pediatric ophthalmology practiced in Afghanistan, thereby compelling children affected with eye problems to be referred to other countries for treatment.
The Afghanistan Eye Doctors’ Society’s board of directors is trying to improve the field of Paediatric Ophthalmology by conducting regular educational training for young ophthalmologists. Young Ophthalmologists are also being sent outside the country for super specialty programs. This will hopefully pave the way for better pediatric ophthalmology practice in Afghanistan.
Ophthalmology Society
Algerian Ophthalmology Society
Professor Ourida Ouhadj
Executive Committee members:
Dr El Amine Kahouadji, Md, Phd: Head of amblyopia & strabismus unit in the ophtalmology center, Canastel pediatric Hospital Oran Algeria
Pr Khadidja Mahmoudi: Head of the ophtalmology center, Canastel pediatric Hospital Oran Algeria
Dr Kheira Kerrouche Md: Ophtalmology center, Canastel pediatric Hospital Oran Algeria
Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmology
Chairman: Prof. Elmar Qasimov
Deputy Chairman: Yazgul Abdiyeva, PhD
Executive Assistant: Aghayeva Fidan, PhD
Board Members:
Karimov Karam, prof., MD
Namazova Hijran, MD
Galbinur Pasha, prof., MD
Jarulla-zade Chingiz, prof., MD
Aghayeva Rana, MD
Haciyev Rasim, prof., MD
Rustamova Nazila, MD
Karimov Mushfiq, MD
Nazarli Jeyhun, PhD
Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmology
The Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmology was founded on 10th December 1920. We have a National Eye Center that has a fully equipped clinic where we perform a lot of different surgeries every year. We have Retina, Glaucoma, Eye trauma, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Refractive surgery and Policlinic departments. Also we have a clinic on wheels where we conduct check-ups & perform surgeries in different regions of our country by rotation on a monthly basis. Our doctors attend different conferences yearly.
Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmologists website:
Upcoming meetings – 2025
16th Conference of Young Ophthalmologists
Date: 21.02.2025
Location: Baku
6th Conference of Azerbaijani Glaucomatologists
Date: 15.03.2025
Location: Baku
International conference dedicated to the 102nd anniversary of Academician Zarifa Aliyeva
Date: 28.04.2025
Location: Baku
9th Conference of Retinologists of Azerbaijan
Date: 17.05.2025
Location: Baku
14th regional conference of Azerbaijan Society of Ophthalmologists
Date: 04.10.2025
Location: Lankaran (Heydar Aliyev Centre)
17th Conference of Young Ophthalmologists
Date: 07.11.2025
Location: Baku
Bangladesh Association of Pediatric Ophthalmologist & Strabismologist (BAPOS)
More information to follow..
Societe Camerounaise D’ophtalmologie / Cameroonian Society Of Ophthalmology (SCO)
Prof Ebana Mvogo
Executive Committee members:
Secretary General: Dr. Beleho Danielle
Treasurer: Dr. Emilienne Epee
Financial Auditor : Dr. Nchifor Alice
The Cameroonian Society of Ophthalmology, known by its French acronym as SCO (Société Camerounaise d’Ophtalmologie) was formed in 1983. The SCO is a member of the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) and the Francophone African Society of Ophthalmology (SAFO). Besides the usual annual conference, SCO holds regular trimester meetings to foster post-university teaching.
The aims and objectives of SCO are to bring together all eye care personnel in Cameroon in order to promote quality eye services, education and research.
The society has about 153 members, amongst which are 61 ophthalmologists. Other members include optometrists and ophthalmic nurses. Presently, there are 8 paediatric ophthalmologists and squint surgeons in Cameroon. We are inviting other ophthalmologists who are interested, to join us so that we can form a Cameroonian society of paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
Croatian Section for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (CSPOS)
Prim. Neda Striber, MD
Executive Committee members:
Treasurer: Jelena Skunca Herman, MD
Secretary: Prim. Jelena Petrinovic – Doresic, MD, PhD, FEBO
Upcoming Meeting:
XX Congress of the Croatian Ophthalmological and Optometric Society, Zagreb, 9-11 September 2021
The Section for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus is an active part of our national professional association, the Croatian Ophthalmological Society (, which has been actively promoting this part of ophthalmology in our country.Today we have 148 members, including several professions; in a large majority ophthalmologists, but also nurses, visual rehabilitators and even few paediatricians. Our members are mainly from Croatia, but some of our members come from neighboring countries like Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as such professional organisation do not exist there.
We organize regular meetings and courses with the intention of exchanging knowledge and experiences in Croatia. Our members also actively participate in the annual meetings of the national ophthalmological society, as well as international congresses and meetings, where they present new achievements and progress in our profession.
Other activities of our Section include promotion of research and development in our field of ophthalmology, improvement of under and postgraduate teaching through co-operation with medical schools, public health promotion and improvement through activities aimed on highly preventable causes of vision loss in children, such as amblyopia or retinopathy of prematurity and communication and cooperation with other medical professions with overlapping fields of work.
Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia
President: Dr. Fitsum Bekele
Vice-President: Dr. Zelalem Eshetu
Secretary General: Dr. Sadik Taju Sherief
Treasurer: Dr. Mahlet Tsegaye
The Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia (OSE) is a professional association of ophthalmologists established in 1994. It is maintained and managed by an executive committee which consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past President and an elected member. The main headquarters is located the among the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA) in front of the African Union, near Mexico Square, in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
The OSE is one of the members of the International Council of Ophthalmologists/ The International Federation of Ophthalmological Societies and associate member of The Ophthalmological Society of Eastern Africa. The OSE is represented in the executive committee of the National Committee for Prevention of Blindness of Ethiopia as the Vice Chairman. OSE is also on the Board of Trustees of the Eye Bank of Ethiopia. The OSE aims to improve the quality of eye care in Ethiopia and eliminate avoidable blindness.
The mission of the OSE is to improve the quality of eye care in Ethiopia and to create togetherness between various
Ophthalmic Professionals and to work for a common goal on the prevention of blindness.
Core Values:
To create togetherness between various ophthalmic professional and to work for a common goal.
To land for the professional managements and privileges of its members.
To work towards the development of high standard ophthalmic services in Ethiopia.
To support the promotion of scientific research and professional refinement in ophthalmology.
To create public awareness of eye diseases as the prevention of blindness through seminars, pamphlets the
mass media, etc.
To prepare forums for continued Medical Education (CME) for its members and associate members.
To collaborate with sister societies and NGOs locally and internationally for exchange of scientific knowledge as
technology in the field of ophthalmology.
Ophthalmology in Ethiopia in Brief:
In Ethiopia, the prevalence of blindness and low vision is 1.6% and 3.7% respectively, representing one of the highest prevalence rates in Sub-Saharan Africa and the world. (National Survey on Blindness, Low Vision and Trachoma, 2006.)
According to 2017 reports, there are 142 general ophthalmologists including 20 subspecialists practicing in the country. Across Ethiopia, there are only 47 public secondary eye care units and four tertiary centers. Five Universities conduct training for eye health workers, including, Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Cataract surgeons.
The Government of Ethiopia has recognized blindness as one of the major health problems of the country and has done its best in the past few years to address this situation. The government officially launched the VISION 2020: The Right to Sight Global Initiative in September 2002. The FMOH has developed four National Five-Year Eye Strategic Plans in line with V2020 activities. These tasks are coordinated through the national committee for the prevention of blindness (NCPB) chaired by FMOH and membership of the committee includes all relevant stakeholders.
College of Ophthalmology of the Eastern, Central and Southern African (ECSA) Region
Dr. Ibrahim Matende
Executive Committee members:
Secretary General: Dr. Grace Ssali
Treasurer: Dr. Emeritus Chibuga
Human resource for eye health (HReH) is a key challenge in the ECSA region and remains one of the principal Colleges of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa (COECSA) mandates. The College opted to strategically address and promote specialty areas through specialty groupings referred to as Communities of practice.
Paediatric Ophthalmology and strabismus community is a key community in COECSA that brings together the team in the region. This professional association in the community facilitates connections among peers, provide access to knowledge exchange and encouraging skill development, fostering trust and a sense of common purpose, adding value to the professional lives of members, develop quality training and set standards for professional practice in Paediatric ophthalmology.
The members of the community have been instrumental in various key interventions in child eye health and fight against childhood blindness. One in such effort is the ‘Seeing is Believing’ (SiB) child eye health Programme in east Africa where many children have received key invaluable vision restoring services through various eye hospitals.
The community is pioneering a pediatric cataract oriented ophthalmic surgeons program to help address the backlog in childhood cataracts. Presently plans are underway to start a pediatric fellowship and strabismus training program in the region for COECSA. There are limited places for such training in the region necessitating travel abroad where practice licenses, cultural change, sociopolitical limitations and limited hands on training are common.
Libyan Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (LAPOS)
Karima lamin Shalabi, MD
Executive Committee members:
Abubaker Affan, Mariam Gebril, Karima Shalabi, Asma Ben Amer,
Aisha Alghadi, Sabah Elzwy, Mona Azouz, Ismail Tuwir
Society of Malawi
Ophthalmological Society of Malawi
More information available shortly
The Mongolian Ophthalmologists’ Society (MOS)
Chimgee Chuluunkhuu
Executive Committee members:
Chimgee Chuluunkhuu, Unudeleg Bayaraa, Bulgan Tuvaan, Tumurbaatar Boz, Batchimeg Battumur
Bayartsetseg Zaankhuu, Shamsiya Murat, Bayasgalan Purevdorj, Ijilmurun Enkhamgalan
The Mongolian Ophthalmologists’ Society (MOS) was founded in 1987. Its membership includes 100% of practicing ophthalmologists in Mongolia. The MOS collects dues from its members. Since the income from member’s dues is low, the activities are limited to annual meeting and international membership dues, and issuing the peer-reviewed local journal in Ophthalmology. During 2007-2013, the MOS issued the Mongolian Ophthalmology Journal twice a year. Since 2014 the Ophthalmology journal has been incorporated with the Medical University issued journal “Innovation. Ophthalmology series is one of four editions issued annually.
In conjunction with INGOs or individual ophthalmologists from the USA, UK, Korea, the MOS organises seminars and workshops for continuing medical education for its members.
Outside the medical community it promotes public health information to others. The MOS works closely with the Mongolian National Federation for the Blind, supporting with professional advises for their activities and partnering in celebrating the World Sight Day.
Pediatric Ophthalmology Interest Group Nepal
Dr Suman Thapa, MD, PhD
Executive Committee members:
Dr Sabina Shrestha, MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology interest group Nepal is a group of Pediatric Ophthalmologists involved in pediatric eye care in Nepal. The group works under the umbrella of Nepal Ophthalmic Society (National Ophthalmology Society of Nepal). Pediatric ophthalmology in Nepal is still in its preliminary stage. There are 12 fellowship trained pediatric ophthalmologists in Nepal who work in hospitals in different parts of the country. Initially service was limited to the capital. Now the practice has been expanded in several different peripheral hospitals. Refractive error and amblyopia are the most common ocular diseases in children in Nepal. Other diseases are strabismus, ocular trauma congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma etc.
Just like other developing countries in the world, retinopathy of prematurity is an emerging cause of childhood ocular morbidity in Nepal. The prevalence of childhood blindness in Nepal is 0.06% (Adhikari et al, Nepal Pediatric Ocular Disease Study 2014).
Nigerian Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Society (NIPOSS)
Chairperson: Prof. Adedayo Omobolanle Adio
Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Chinyelu Ezisi
Secretary: Dr. Olubunmi Bodunde
Treasurer: Dr. Amina Hassan
PRO: Dr. Nanaishat Momoh
Upcoming Meetings
1. NIPOSS quarterly webinar in partnership with CYBERSIGHT with our gest lecturer the world renowned pediatric ophthalmologist , Dr Richard Bowman of the Great Ormond street Hospital for children, UK. Topic update on optic neuropathy in children. Date: Friday 6th August 2021 by 4pm.
2. NIPOSS subspecialty meeting coming up Friday September 3rd 2021 by 2pm with our guest Marilyn Miller lecturer , the world Childhood glaucoma specialist Dr Anil K Mandal of LVPrasad eye institute, Hyderabad India . Topic: pediatric glaucoma surgery decoded: the trabeculectomies and combined cataract and glaucoma surgery.
Ophthalmological Society
Polish Ophthalmological Society
Prof. Iwona Grabska-Liberek
Executive Committee members:
Prof. Jerzy Szaflik, Prof. Bożena Romanowska-Dixon, MD.
Marta Pietruszyńska, MD., Urszula Stachowska, Prof. Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk
Prof. Wojciech Lubiński, Prof.Jerzy Mackiewicz
Prof. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek, Prof. Wojciech Omulecki
Prof. Marcin Stopa, Prof. Edward Wylęgała
As opposed to general Ophthalmology, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus is not that popular among doctors in Poland. There are still parts of Poland where there are not enough number of Paeditaric Ophthalmologists. In most large cities of Poland like Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań and Łódź, we have well equipped Ophthalmological Departments for Children & attend to all kinds of Paediatric Ophthalmology conditions like amblyopia, refractive errors, strabismus, congenital cataract & even retinopathy of prematurity.
While we do not have a separate organization, we have a section of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus under the Polish Ophthalmological Society.
Ophthalmological Society
Somali Ophthalmological Society
Dr. Said Hussein Gedi, MD, Consultant Eye Surgeon
Executive Committee members:
Vice President / General Secretary : Dr. Omar Ismail Mohamed
Treasure / Editor : Dr. Abdirahman Abdullahi Ali Hayle
As a member in COECSA (College of Ophthalmology Eastern, Central and Southern Africa) and MEACO (Middle East, African Council of Ophthalmology), the Somali Ophthalmological Society (SOS) has established due to the increased need of a quality eye care in the country wide (Somalia), and have a very shortage Ophthalmologist less then Ophthalmologist for over 12 million populations. Thus, this shortage has caused a wide spread of preventable and curable blindness in the country, especially among the man power and young aged population. Somali Ophthalmological Society has only 5 Ophthalmologist working in the whole Country; three are based in Mogadishu & working in private clinics and the other two are based in Puntland (Garowe, Galkacyo & Bosaso).
Since 1991 after the Civil War, the Government’s infrastructure has collapsed and the absence of National Eye Hospitals, the majority of ophthalmic elites have moved away from the country. We currently have professional ophthalmologists recently trained abroad, mainly from the University of Nairobi and obtained a Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology (MMed Ophthalmology) and after completing our training, we decided to return back to Somalia to serve our people and deliver a high Standard of Eye Health Care in Somalia which compares to the international standard.
Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics
Dr Igor Aznauryan, MD, Dr. Sc., Prof
Executive Committee members:
Dr Victoria Balasanyan, MD, PhD & Dr Satenik Agagulyan
We practice a unique and effective integrated approach in treatment of children with different types of strabismus and nystagmus in which surgical and conservative methods are applied as a single complex treatment, leading to full rehabilitation of 97% of patients with strabismus, while significantly reducing the amplitude of eye movements and improving visual acuity in children with nystagmus.
The leadership of the Association are full members of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS), International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Council (IPOSC), European Pediatric Ophthalmology Society (EPOS), European Strabismological Association (ESA).
Visit the website here
College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka
Dr. Pradeepa K. Siriwardena; DO, MS, FRCS
Executive Committee members:
The Council of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka MD
The College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka is the only professional body of ophthalmologists in the country. It is the direct continuation of the Ophthalmological Society of Sri Lanka founded in 1957. It was established in 1991 and the office of the College is presently functioning at the National Eye Hospital, Colombo, which is the center of excellence and the main training center for ophthalmic post graduate trainees, ophthalmic technologists and ophthalmic nurses.
The College has 120 Life Members as well as Affiliate and Associate Members. The membership includes General Ophthalmologists as well as Sub-specialists including Paediatric Ophthalmologists.
Ophthalmology Association
Uganda Ophthalmology Association
Dr. Ssali Grace
Executive Committee members:
Dr. Arunga Simon and Dr. Moses Kasadhakawo
Ophthalmological Society of Zimbabwe
Akim Mashoko
Executive Committee members:
Emmanuel Zhou, Junica Dari
Ophthalmological Society of Zimbabwe was formed in 1995. Its main objective is to improve and advance the quality of eye care and treatment of patients with eye conditions in Zimbabwe. Ophthalmological Society of Zimbabwe has about 55 members which includes ophthalmologists, Registrars of Ophthalmology and MMed Students in training.
Ophthalmological Society
Zambia Ophthalmological Society
President: Dr. David Kasongole
Vice-President: Dr Mutale Nyaywa
Secretary General: Dr Willard Mumbi
Publicity Secretary: Dr John Yotam Mvula
Immediate Past President: Dr Misa Funjika
The Zambia Ophthalmological Society was formed in 2009. The Objectives of ZOS include:
Promote and support research
Promote co-operation with other ophthalmologic Societies
To arrange and hold periodic meetings for professional and educational development
Lobbying and advocacy
The society currently has 23 members, ophthalmologists and in addition, there are associate members that
include residents, ophthalmic nurses, ophthalmic clinical officers and optometrists.
Currently paediatric eye services are being offered in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province which also carter for the vast Northern region of the country and soon preparing to start paediatric services at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. The Society is actively looking into among others the reduction of childhood blindness through introduction of comprehensive child eye health services that encompass child eye health promotion, retinopathy of prematurity screening and treatment, and comprehensive retinoblastoma management.
Enrol your Organization as a WSPOS Chapter Country here
If your country does not have a National Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Organisation / Association, we would like to invite your country to become a Chapter with web hosting by the WSPOS.
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