Case Report: Case 5
Case Presenters
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Members’ Responses:
When asked (1) ‘Which eye would you operate on??’ 55% of our members replied saying they would operate on the non-dominant eye while 45% said they would operate on both eyes
When asked (2) Do you feel recommending orbital image studies prior to the surgical procedures in highly myopic strabismus is (a) Indispensable (b) Useful but not indispensable (c) Or you would not recommend prior image studies because muscle path found at surgery is the key to the surgical plan; 40% of our members replied Indispensable, 55% said Useful but not indispensable & the remaining 5% said they would not recommend prior image studies because muscle path found at surgery is the key to the surgical plan.
When asked (3) Which approach would you choose in a downward shift lateral rectus (LR) muscle in cases with no vertical deviation?; 15% replied saying they would perform a Resection or plication of the LR, 10% said they would do a Repositioning the LR muscle belly by a myoscleropexia, 20% said they would carry out a Resection with myoscleropexia of the LR, 0% said they would perform a Harada technique, 45% said they would employ the Yokoyama technique, while 10% of our members said they would perform other procedures.