

President: Dr. David Kasongole Vice-President: Dr Mutale Nyaywa Secretary General: Dr Willard Mumbi Publicity Secretary: Dr John Yotam Mvula Immediate Past President: Dr Misa Funjika Contact: Zambia Ophthalmological Society The Zambia Ophthalmological Society was formed in 2009. The Objectives of ZOS include:  Promote and support research  Promote co-operation with other ophthalmologic Societies 

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President: Prof. Natasa Vidovic Valentincic Executive Committee Members: Prof. Barbara Cvenkel Prof. Dusica Pahor Prof. Polona Jaki Mekjavic Contact: Slovenian Paediatric Ophthalmology Group Paediatric ophthalmology in Slovenia has a long-standing tradition. In Slovenia, the only tertiary paediatric ophthalmology centre is University Eye Clinic in Ljubljana. The centre is well known for anterior segment surgery

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President: Dr. Fitsum Bekele Vice-President: Dr. Zelalem Eshetu Secretary General: Dr. Sadik Taju Sherief Treasurer: Dr. Mahlet Tsegaye Contact: Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia The Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia (OSE) is a professional association of ophthalmologists established in 1994. It is maintained and managed by an executive committee which consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,

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Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Society of India (SPOSI) President: Prof. Vinita Singh Executive Committee Members: Dr. Ankur Sinha (Treasurer) Prof. P. K. Pandey (Secretary) Contact:

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