
Case Report: Case 9

Case Presenters

Dr. Susana Zabalo de Jerabek, MD; is the Director of Clínica de Ojos Nueva Visión Río Cuarto, Córdoba Argentina; Director of Red Oftalmológica Jerabek Zabalo, Río Cuarto, Córdoba Argentina & the Director of the Foundation Oftalmológica Jerabek – Zabalo, Río Cuarto, Córdoba Argentina in addition to being the Chief of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Service. She pursued her Residency from the Parmenio Piñeiro Hospital, 1988-1992, Buenos Aires Argentina & was a Trainee at Ophthalmology Service of Juan P. Garraham Hospital 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was also a Member of Pediatric Ophthalmology Foundation (FOP), Buenos Aires, Argentina from 1988-1992.


Members’ Responses:

When our members were asked:

(1) Would you perform surgery on a phthisical eye?
50% responded saying ‘Yes’
50% responded saying ‘No’

(2) What technique would you choose to perform a muscular reinforcement?
37.5% opted for ‘Muscle Folds’
62.5% preferred ‘Muscle Resections’

(3) In patients with deep amblyopia of an eye or blind eye you prefer to perform?
100% preferred ‘Monocular surgery’ as against ‘Bilateral surgery’

Experts Opinion

In addition to answering the questions posed to our members, our Experts were also asked the following questions:

1. In case of blind eye which is most frequently chosen : binocular or monocular surgery? Why?
2. What parameters would you consider when performing strabismus surgery on eyes with phthisis bulbi?
3. Have you had any problems with a patient while operating on the healthy eye in addition to the blind eye?
4. What would be the maximum surgery to perform both resections and resection or muscle folding in case of unilateral surgeries?